2023-11-22 12:42:16
adv. 原来(从最初)
- Let people go back aboriginally using knotted ropes for simple reckoning. 使民众重新回归到结绳记事的太古时代。
- The "poetry heart" which he brings up, is sincerity and honesty, instinct and aboriginally, and is native emotions without goodness and evil. 由此,他提出以真诚为本的“诗心说”,强调诗人应在诗歌中表现本能与原生态的情感,即没有沾染世俗道德和功利色彩的自然情态。
- and the fact of his having thus risen, instead of having been aboriginally placed there, may give him hope for a still higher destiny in the distant future. 这个上升的事实,而不是从原始就被安置在那里,又会使他希望能在遥远的将来达到更高的命运境界。