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2023-11-27 16:29:16
美[sizjʊrə]  英[sizjʊərə]
n.  休止;停顿


  1. a pause or interruption (as in a conversation);

    "after an ominous caesura the preacher continued"

  2. a break or pause (usually for sense) in the middle of a verse line


  1. A pause or separation; a caesura. 停顿或隔开;中止
  2. A break or rest in a line of poetry; a caesura. (诗中)节奏的停顿在一行诗歌中的中断或停顿;休止
  3. After another weighty caesura the senator resumed speaking. 在又一次很重要的停顿之后,这个议员接着讲话
  4. A line of French verse consisting of12 syllables with a caesura usually falling after the sixth syllable. 亚历山大格式的诗行一个含有12个音节并通常在第六个音节后有一停顿的法语诗行
  5. A line of English verse composed in iambic hexameter, usually with a caesura after the third foot. 亚历山大格式的诗行一个由六步抑扬格写成的,通常在第三音步后有一停顿的英语诗行
  6. Each line is divided by a caesura into two halves; and there are two stresses in each half, falling on the alliterative consonants or vowels. 每行诗以中间停顿分作两个半行,各有两个重读词,或为辅音头韵,或为元音头韵。