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2023-11-27 17:33:17
美  英
adj.  剖腹产的
sp.  =Cesarean; Caesarean; Cesarian.


  1. the delivery of a fetus by surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus (from the belief that Julius Caesar was born that way)
  1. relating to abdominal delivery
  2. of or relating to or in the manner of Julius Caesar


  1. Delivery in all 12 patients were by caesarian section. 12例全部选择剖宫产 ,术中出血量为 ( 2 89± 2 41)ml。
  2. Caesarians fate is a chilling addition to the story. 塞瑟瑞安的命运使这个案件更加让人毛骨悚然。
  3. Is Caesarian Section covered by the Obstetric Package service? 产科套餐是否包括剖腹生产服务?
  4. Its interesting that all sources brush over the murder of Caesarian. 有趣的是所有的资料都没有注意到塞瑟瑞安的被杀。
  5. She had no alternative option but to go to hospital for a Caesarian section. 她没有办法就去医院剖腹产了。你知道怎么吸食海洛因吗?
  6. Abortion and caesarian section are widely used for non-medical or non-lifesaving reasons. 堕胎和剖腹产手术被广泛地用于非医或非救生的原因。