2024-01-18 17:53:17
n. (陶工用以生产扁平或空心制品的)辘轳车
- Jolley has won many writing awards, two of them for Cabin Fever, her tenth fiction book. 乔利获得过许多写作奖项,其中她的第十部小说《小屋的狂热》使她获奖两次。
- Born in England in 1923, Jolley moved to Australia in 1959 with her husband and three children. 他于1923年出生于英格兰,1959年同丈夫与三个孩子移居于澳大利亚。
- Jolley JE. The microstructer of photographic gelatin binders. Photographic science and engineering. 1970; 14(3):169-77. 连成东:明胶的特性与银盐胶片的保存条件。档案学通讯1999;4:46-8.
- Elizabeth Jolley is a well-known Australian woman writer in the world literature, critics consider her novels dark, grotesque, funny and appealing. 伊丽莎白?乔利是国际文坛著名的澳大利亚女作家。评论家认为她的作品晦涩难懂、怪诞离奇、滑稽可笑、哀怨有趣;
- These lines from Elizabeth Jolley’s Cabin Fever, for example: “I experience again the deep-felt wish to be part of a married couple, to sit by the fire in winter with the man who is my husband. 转眼冬季将至,昆明也因误放春而被勒令返回受罚,昆明与湖在离别之时,湖强忍悲痛,外表冷冷地接受了分离的事实,原先已准备好为爱而战的昆明,也失望地离去。
- Jolley(1993)is a study of dissolved phosphorus speciation in the lower molongolo sewage treatment plant(Canberra, Australia)detected no triphosphate in raw sewage entering the plant. Jolley(1993)进行得一项研究中在溶解磷形态下molongolo污水处理厂(堪培拉,澳大利亚)未发现任何未经处理得污水中有三磷酸盐进入工厂。