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2024-01-19 14:02:17
美  英
n.  克拉马斯人[语];克拉马斯河(美国俄勒冈州南部)


  1. a river flowing southwest from Oregon through northern California to the Pacific Ocean


  1. The Penutian language of the Klamath. 克拉马特语克拉马特人的彭努蒂语
  2. A city of southwest Oregon west of Klamath Falls. 麦德福德美国俄勒冈西南部一城市,位于卡拉马斯福斯以西。
  3. The Klamaths closely related neighbors were the Modoc. 与克拉马斯人具有紧密联系的是邻近的莫多克人。
  4. A city of southwest Oregon west of Klamath Falls. It is a summer resort and processing center in a fruit and lumber area. Population,46, 951. 麦德福德美国俄勒冈西南部一城市,位于卡拉马斯福斯以西。该市处于水果和木材产区,是一个避暑胜地及加工中心。人口46,951
  5. Oaks could move to cooler weather in the Klamath Mountains along the border with Oregon. 橡树可能会向加州与俄勒冈边界上的克拉马斯山迁移,以寻找更凉爽的气候。
  6. The tradition of my family’s yearly camping trips on the Klamath River never jibed with my desires. 我们家有个传统,那就是每年都要去克拉玛斯河上露营,这个却不怎么对我的心思。