2024-01-23 01:25:17
n. 火绳枪
- an early style of musket; a slow-burning wick would be lowered into a hole in the breech to ignite the charge
- A heavy, portable matchlock gun invented during the15th century. 火绳枪一种发明于15世纪的、沉重可携带且用火绳引燃的枪
- While underneath, in a corner, were fowling-piece, musket, and matchlock. 下面,角落里,堆着鸟枪,步枪,和火绳枪。
- These gunners use a type of heavy matchlock musket, which fires a powerful shot. 骆驼火枪兵使用的长管滑膛火枪,称为"杰扎尔",威力极为惊人。
- These mercenaries prefer the complexities of the matchlock firing mechanism over the physical conditioning required to make effective archer. 挽弓怒射百步穿杨需要极佳身体素质,相比之下,这些部队更为青睐火绳枪的机械驱动装置。
- Small arms, as distinguished from hand cannon, did not exist until the development of the matchlock in the 15th century.See also flintlock, wheel lock. 有别于手持式火炮的小型武器直到15世纪火绳机发展出来才得以面世。
- This paper describes the sorts of gun that the aboriginal warrior possessed as including matchlock, flintlock, caplock, Mauser bolt type, and magazine rifle. 这些枪枝不是直接来自西方国家或商人,而是经由台湾岛内客家人、福佬人及汉化的原住民中介转贩。