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2024-01-23 07:58:16
美[medɪˌvæk]  英[medɪˌvæk]
n.  救伤直升机;伤兵撤退
vt.  用救伤直升机运送
sp.  =medevac.


  1. the evacuation of persons (usually by air transportation) to a place where they can receive medical care


  1. Terrans have medivac, the mechanical units can be fixed by SCV. 人类有医疗运输机,机械部队可以靠SCV来维修。
  2. Currently only the Medivac has an animation while it unloads units. 答:事实上只有人族的医疗机在他放下单位的时候才有动画。
  3. The Medivac Dropship was the controversial replacement to the Medic. 医疗运输机是极具争议的护士的替代品。
  4. Medivac Dropships heal much faster than Medics from StarCraft Brood War. 医疗运输机的治疗效果可比母巢之战里的护士强多了。
  5. Thors and colossi can be transported by each races transportation units: the medivac and the warp prism. 雷神和巨像可以被他们各自种族的运输单位运输:(人族的)医疗运输船和(神族的)相位棱镜。
  6. The role of the drop pod fit very closely with what Medivac Dropships already do even better. 事实上,空降舱的作用和医疗运输船非常相似,而且相比之下医疗运输船的效果明显要更好。