2024-01-23 16:19:17
n. [植]中生植物(指在中等湿度条件下生长的植物)
- land plant growing in surroundings having an average supply of water; compare xerophyte and hydrophyte
- There was a high percent of mesophyte in Otindag Sand Land as well. 中生植物在该区占有相当大的比例,体现了该区地理位置和地理环境的特殊性。
- Main ecotype of xerophyte and mesophyte, and part ecotype of hygrophyte and helophyte. 生态类型以旱生中生植物为主,兼有寒冷生及水生和湿生植物。
- The ecotype components consisted of 77.2% of mesophyte, 16.0% of xerophyte and 6.8% of hygrophyte, respectively. 生态型以中生植物为主,占77.;2%25,旱生植物占16
- The species of mesophyte dominates the ecological type of water, making up 51%, and the mesoxerophyte 34% of the total. 水分生态类型结构以中生型种类最多占51%25,中旱生型次之占34%25;
- According to the orchids shape structure, they are one kind of mesophyte and they are not easy to die for dryness. 这是前人为我们总结出养好兰花的宝贵经验。
- The species of mesophyte are the most of ecological type of water that take 58% and those of mesoxerophyte take 25%. 水分生态类型结构以中生型种类最多,占58%25,中旱生型次之,占25%25;
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