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2024-01-24 05:22:17
美[mɪliliːtər]  英[mɪliliːtə(r)]
n.  毫升;千分之一公升=milliliter


  1. a metric unit of volume equal to one thousandth of a liter


  1. Fibres per millilitre of air, averaged over any continuous period of ten minutes. 按每10分钟连续时间的平均值计算的每毫升空气中的纤维含量。
  2. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found that men who consumed the most soy (half a serving per day) had 41 million sperm per millilitre less than men who did not eat soy at all. 哈佛大学公共健康的研究员们发现吃大量的黄豆(每天半份)的男士每毫升有41百万精子少于完全不吃黄豆的男士。
  3. The "normal" sperm concentration for a man is between 80 and 120 million per millilitre, and the average of men who ate on average a portion of soy-based food every other day was 41 million fewer. 一个男人“正常”的精子数量平均在每毫升8;000万个到1.;2亿个之间,平均每两天吃一次豆腐的试验者精子数量每毫升减少了4;100万个。
  4. Keywords Parenteral fluid therapy;Speed of transfusion;Drops;Millilitre; 输液疗法;输液速度;滴数;毫升;
  5. Fibres per millilitre of air, averaged over any continuous period of four hours, 按每4小时连续时间的平均值计算的每毫升空气中的纤维含量;
  6. 24 x 355 millilitre (12 ounce) cans or bottles (maximum of 8.5 litres) of beer or ale. 烟草制品的携带条例,要求所有入境者(18岁以上),可以携带以下烟草制品: