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2024-01-24 06:30:16
美[mɪnətɔːri]  英[mɪnətəri]
adj.  威胁的;恫吓的
  副词:minatorily  异体字:minatorial


  1. threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments;

    "a baleful look" "forbidding thunderclouds" "his tone became menacing" "ominous rumblings of discontent" "sinister storm clouds" "a sinister smile" "his threatening behavior" "ugly black clouds" "the situation became ugly"


  1. "You how dare minatory the person of my at hand? “你怎胆敢威胁我手下的人?”
  2. Number 3, Lauriston Gardens wore an ill-omened and minatory look. 劳瑞斯顿花园街号,从外表看来就象是一座凶宅。
  3. I have two year young son, I simply intolerable this kind is minatory. 我有两个年幼的儿子,我简直无法忍受这种威胁。”
  4. This shows, a kind of when rectum cancer will become minatory people health increasingly main cancer is swollen. 由此可见,直肠癌将日益成为威胁人民健康的一种主要癌肿。
  5. This product aims to remove for broad Internet user even more serious " fryer " minatory. 该产品旨在为广大互联网用户解除越发严重的“肉鸡”威胁。
  6. Two people show, be called on the net " terrorist " , already received tens of death is minatory. 两人都表示,在网上被称为“恐怖分子”,并已收到了数十个死亡威胁。