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2024-01-24 07:31:16
美[mɪnɪˌfaɪ]  英[mɪnɪfaɪ]
vt.  使变小;缩小;削减
  过去式:minified  过去分词:minified  现在分词:minifying  第三人称单数:minifies


  1. make smaller;

    "He decreased his staff"


  1. John Minify has been wanting to get us together. 约翰蒙纳菲一直想安排我们认识一下。
  2. To be faster! To minify cost! To create high quality! 更快的速度!更低的成本!更高的质量!
  3. Plus lenses can to bringing objects into focus,but also magnify. Plus lenses magnify and minus lenses minify. 正透镜除了可以使光线聚焦以外,还附有使影像放大的作用。正透镜可以放大,负透镜可以缩小。
  4. The MEMS technology can be used to minify camera circuit and transmitting circuit board.So the size of the capsule can be reduced largely. 利用MEMS技术可以大大缩小摄像电路和发射电路的尺寸,从而大大缩小摄像药丸的体积。
  5. A solution is to minify the cell size to one third of the original size, with removing fragment units and setting a more strict slope threshold . 然而平均坡度却大为降低,可开发面积大幅增加,这可能使山坡地开发问题更为严重。
  6. Adopting special lantern gear to minify the drive error of the screw drive chain on CA6140 lathe,high-precision inch-system lead screw and modulus lead screw can be processed. 采用专用挂轮,减小了CA6140螺纹传动链的传动误差,可加工出高精度英制丝杠和模数丝杠。