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2024-01-24 08:04:17
美[mɪnɪsʌb]  英[mɪnɪsʌb]
n.  小型潜水艇


  1. submersible vessel for one or two persons; for naval operations or underwater exploration


  1. The cable parted, and the minisub started to gather speed toward the bottom of the sea. 缆绳断了,这艘微型潜艇迅速地沉向海底。
  2. The yari minisubs suicide ability is a very effective way to take out both base defenses and naval units. 迷你潜艇的自杀能力是干掉基地防御和海军单位的非常有效方法。
  3. That means you can turn a Minisub build into a Tsunami build without having to buy and tech up a war factory! 这意味着你就可以把微型潜艇序列转换为海啸坦克序列,而不用购买升级重工了。
  4. A single Yari minisub can take out any tier 1 base defense in one shot using last voyage regardless if they have the honorable discharge or not. 一个单独的迷你潜艇使用最后的航程技能可以一击轻松干掉任何1级防御,不论它们有没有受到死的光荣的影响。