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2024-01-24 08:32:16
美[mɪntɪdʒ]  英[mɪntɪdʒ]
n.  造币;铸币材料;硬币上的印记


  1. coins collectively
  2. fee paid to a mint by the government for minting a coin
  3. act or process of minting coins


  1. Those achievements were not of intellectual mintage. 那些成就并不属于智慧的创造。
  2. The combined mintage for the half-dollars of 1866/67 is given as less than sixty thousand. 一八六六及一八六七两年所铸的半元,数目在六万枚以下。
  3. The best solution is to start the deposit money tax and include it into the revenue together with the mintage tax. 启用储币税,与铸币税一起纳入财政收入,收入的增加自然能够稀释沉淀资金,同时化解垄断资本。
  4. Despite the fact that the published mintage figures for this issue exceed thirty three million, this date was apparently never circulated in the Colony. 据公布的铸量数字,这次发行超过三千三百万枚,但这一年份的硬币似乎从未在本港流通过。
  5. Because the US has the global mintage, the crisis also has the possibility to extend for US dollar status crisis, and remoulds global the currency pattern. 他同时表示,在发展过程中当然应该非常注意防止过度投机,防止可能产生的风险。
  6. Despite the fact that according to mintage figures this date should be about three times as common as either 1902 or 1904, this is not so, and only around twenty coins of 1905 have been located. 在铸量方面,这种硬币虽较一九零二或一九零四年所铸的多出两倍,理应较为普遍,但事实却不然。