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2024-01-24 08:44:17
美[mɪnɪtmæn]  英[mɪnɪtmæn]
n.  (美国独立战争时)立即应召的民兵


  1. 命令一下立即应召的民兵
  2. 立即应召的民兵
  3. 【美史】后备民兵
  4. 美国独立战争期间,时刻准备应召的民兵
  5. <美>民兵


  1. an American militiaman prior to and during the American Revolution
  2. a strategic weapon system using a guided missile of intercontinental range; missiles are equipped with nuclear warheads and dispersed in hardened silos


  1. Current ICBMs, Minuteman and Peacekeeper, are solid fuel rockets that can be launched within seconds directly out of their silo tubes. 目前的洲际弹道导弹(ICBM),如Minuteman和Peacekeeper,都是固体燃料火箭,能在几秒钟内从其发射井筒中直接发射。
  2. These include approximately 200 more missile guidance sets that will be used for future Minuteman III flight tests and spares. 包括近200枚导弹制导装置,用于“民兵”III型洲际弹道导弹的未来飞行测试和备件。
  3. MinuteMan Systems publishes software for project management, cost estimating, planning, scheduling and Pert and Gantt charting. 民兵出版系统软件项目管理,成本估算,规划,调度和PERT的和甘特图表。
  4. The new NS50 has successfully flown on 23 Minuteman III flight test missiles with no failures, providing high confidence that it meets its in-flight reliability requirement. 新型NS50型在2月23日“民兵”III型导弹飞行测试中未出现任何问题。
  5. The fuses were manufactured for use on a Minuteman strategic nuclear missile and are linked to the triggering mechanism in the nose cone, but they contain no nuclear materials. 我在这里想再一次重申,凡属涉及中国主权和领土完整的事,必须由包括台湾同胞在内的全体中国人民决定,任何人想把台湾从祖国分裂出去都是不会得逞的,也是注定会失败的。
  6. Expanded Minuteman Data Analysis Systems 扩展的"民兵"导弹数据分析系统