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2024-01-24 08:49:17
美  英
n.  (犹太教)举行正式礼拜仪式的法定人数(至少须有10名13岁以上的男子)


  1. the quorum required by Jewish law to be present for public worship (at least ten males over thirteen years of age)


  1. Award-winners Li Minyan (left) and Vickie Ho (right). 2名得奖同学李敏妍(左)和何炜琦(右)
  2. Minyan goes: Yinianzhiji is the spring day is the morning count. 民谚有云:一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。
  3. Minyan was right when he said: "Ching Ming sugarcane poisoning the snake. 民谚说得好:“清明蔗毒过蛇”。
  4. Fuzhou, "Gushan and caps, 3 mud," said the Minyan is if the clouds over the peaks, days of rain. 福州有“鼓山戴帽,三日泥道”的民谚是讲峰若云雾密布,则日内将下雨。
  5. In Tang Minyan, boss now is the giant network games most bone ash level plays the family. 在汤敏眼里,老板现在是巨人网络游戏的最骨灰级玩家。
  6. Today, in Shanxi, Hebei, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu and other places, is still widespread in two Minyan: "I asked where his hometown, Shan Xi HongThe Ash. 时至今日,在山西、河北、河南、安徽、江苏等地,依然广泛流传着两句民谚:"问我家乡在何处,山西洪洞大槐树。"