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2024-01-24 08:51:17
美  英
n.  第三纪中新世;第三纪中新统
adj.  第三纪中新世的;第三纪中新统的


  1. from 25 million to 13 million years ago; appearance of grazing mammals


  1. The deposits of the Miocene Epoch. 中新世的沉积物
  2. Miocene formations (better: strata) are well-exposed in this area. 本区具有出露良好的中新世地层.
  3. Miocene flora from Markam County and fossil record of Betulaceae. 芒康中新纪植物及桦木科植物的分布历史.
  4. Evidence of the existence of Metasequoia in the Miocene of Taiwan. 水杉生存于台湾中新世之证据.
  5. The earliest fossil porcupine also appeared in the late Miocene of Europe. 最早的豪猪化石也出现在欧洲的晚中新世。
  6. North American cat of the Miocene and Pliocene; much earlier and less specialized than members of the genus Smiledon. 中新世和上新世生活在美洲的猫科动物;对其研究也少。