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2024-01-24 09:05:17
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  1. Sichuan Province Chuanmei Mirabilite Co., Ltd. 四川省川眉芒硝有限责任公司。
  2. Contain of churchyard of Hong Ze county is worn ore of rich high grade mirabilite. 洪泽县境内蕴藏着丰富的高品位芒硝矿。
  3. Trona is negatively correlated with mirabilite in the mineral bed sections of soda lakes.Trona and halite show a pos itive correlation. 碱湖矿层剖面上,天然碱与芒硝呈互为消长关系,天然碱和石盐则呈正相关。
  4. The result reveals that it is feasible to produce mirabilite ahead of schedule in Yuncheng saline lake and the ahead time is not less than one month. 经试验运城盐湖提前产硝完全可行,至少可提前一个月产运芒硝。
  5. Successful operation of this technology provided a new way not only to mirabilite and petroleum production but also to other fluid mine development. 该钻井技术的成功实施不仅为芒硝、石油开采,而且为其它流体矿藏的开采提供一条新的途径。
  6. Mirabilite reacted with ammonium bicarbonate under the proper conditions to obtain sodium bicarbonate and mother liquor. 芒硝和碳酸氢铵在适宜的条件下反应得重碱和母液。