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2024-01-24 09:40:17
美[mɪsænθrəpi]  英[mɪsænθrəpi]
n.  不愿与人来往;厌世


  1. hatred of mankind
  2. a disposition to dislike and mistrust other people


  1. Is Misanthropy one of these ideas behind UlulatE? 在UlulatE背后有没有反人类的情绪?
  2. In turbulent economic times, globalisation has become regarded as a dirty word, tainted by a toxic mix of misinformation, misconception and misanthropy. 经济动荡时期,误传、误解、对人类失去信任使得人们对全球化颇多微词。
  3. There had been a period when Hester was less alive to this consideration; or, perhaps, in the misanthropy of her own trouble, she left the minister to bear what she might picture to herself as a more tolerable doom. 有一段时间,海丝特没怎么动脑筋考虑这一点,也许是因为她自己痛不欲生,而把他的厄运看得比较容易忍受,也就没去过问他。
  4. The complicated misanthropy which enabled him, his interpreters declared, to love the public and spurn humanity, did not preclude certain trifling investigation of the tenderer emotions. 卓别林的发言人说复杂的厌世情绪使他热爱公众而弃绝人性,但是这并不排除他会涉猎一点点爱情。
  5. Not so good as the dogs, that licked Lazarus sores; but like flies, that are still buzzing upon any thing that is raw; misanthropi,that make it their practice, to bring men to the bough,and yet never a tree for the purpose in their gardens,as Timon had. 他们简直还不如《圣经》里那条以舔疮为生的恶狗,而更像那种吸吮死尸汁液的苍蝇。
  6. misanthropi, that make it their practice, to bring men to the bough; 这些“恨世者”(misanthropi),是惯于诱人自缢;