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2024-01-24 09:45:17
美[ˌmɪsæprɪhensɪv]  英[mɪsˌæprɪhensɪv]
adj.  误解的


  1. Thoug he seemed to listen carefully, he was inattentive and misapprehensive. 他好像是在注意听,但却漫不经心,会错了意。
  2. Thoug he seemed to listen carefully,he was inattentive and misapprehensive. 他好像是在注意听,但却漫不经心,会错了意。
  3. In the article the misapprehensive factors of the villa landscape design in the present society were analyzed. 首先分析了目前社会上别墅景观设计的误区。
  4. These are the serious problems that the history watchs, cause misapprehensive problem easily. 这些都是历史观的重要问题,容易引起误解的问题。
  5. According to our test results,the technology greatly improves the performance of IDS and reduces the misapprehensive and transudatory rates. 实际测试表明,该方法大大提高了入侵检测系统性能,降低了漏报率和误报率。
  6. But he hopes to emphasize really a bit, oneself word may let a person produce misapprehensive Yahoo high level to celebrate Microsoft to cancel bought message, regard its as a kind of victory. 但他确实希望强调一点,自己的话可能让人产生误解雅虎高层庆祝微软取消收购的消息,并将其视为一种胜利。