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2024-01-24 10:07:17
美[ˌmɪsəleɪniə]  英[ˌmɪsəleɪniə]
n.  杂集


  1. a collection containing a variety of sorts of things;

    "a great assortment of cars was on display" "he had a variety of disorders" "a veritable smorgasbord of religions"


  1. World English-Chinese miscellanea dictionary II. 世界英汉杂辑辞典2。
  2. Since 1994, Zhu had been writing his Taiji Kung Fu (Gongfu) Miscellanea,a note about his Taiji Kung Fu (Gongfu) practices and theoretic studies. 朱宣咸1994年起,作“习拳杂记”心得笔记,以记录自己在太极拳剑的实践与理论方面的研究。
  3. In short, it has all traces of random miscellanea that made Shanghai simultaneously a fascinating, wonderful, and horrifying place to be. 简而言之,你可以在书中找到上海杂录的所有细节故事,它们集当时上海的雍容华贵,喧嚣繁华与鱼龙混杂于一身。
  4. In the days of imperial examinations, the poetry considered as the main stream of literature, fiction, miscellanea, notes, and drama all serve as the popular styles for the candidates who somehow have a particular feeling for them. 摘要在科举时代,无论是被视作文学主流的诗文,抑或作为文学边缘的小说、杂记、笔记、戏剧等体裁的作品都与科举有著千丝万缕的联系,而这种联系又源于士子对科举的认识和科第情结。
  5. The Miscellanea about the Impression of Tokyo 东京印象琐记
  6. return to the guqin toc or to miscellanea . 返回到古琴目录或杂 。