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2024-01-24 10:44:17
美[mɪsdaɪəɡnoʊz]  英[mɪsdaɪəɡnəʊz]
v.  错误地诊断(或判断、断定)
  过去式:misdiagnosed  过去分词:misdiagnosed  现在分词:misdiagnosing  第三人称单数:misdiagnoses


  1. The sonogram of some diseases may be misdiagnose as renal calculus. 一些疾病的声像图表现可误诊为肾结石;
  2. Or doctors may misdiagnose it as asthma or another infection. 或医生可能误诊为哮喘或其他感染。
  3. Or, doctor misdiagnose as asthma or another infection. 或者因生可能将其误诊为哮喘或其它感染。
  4. Objective To reduce the misdiagnose rate of Wilson s degeneration with Dysphrenia in the Neurology Department. 目的减少肝豆状核变性所致精神障碍在精神科的误诊率。
  5. Conclusions: Dermatobiopsy should be undertaken as early as possible in suspected cases to avoid misdiagnose. 目前国内外主要的治疗方式还是手术切除病灶为主,新的免疫治疗方法随访期较短,但效果显著。
  6. The conclusion take the digestive tract the joint symptom easy to misdiagnose as the first round. 结论以消化道、关节症状为首发者易误诊。