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2024-01-24 11:06:17
美[mɪsfiːzəns]  英[mɪsfiːzəns]
n.  不当行为;行为失检;过失


  1. doing a proper act in a wrongful or injurious manner


  1. The system scope of application lies in the limit of misfeasance and malefaction. 其特点是在适用范围上以违法犯罪行为为限;
  2. Last year in November, exposure of lawyer of the one SamSung before the name the group is many misfeasance, initiate the investigation to SamSung. 去年11月,一名前三星律师曝光了集团大量不当行为,引发对三星的调查。
  3. Abstract: The responsibility-asking in administration is the system that run the responsibilities of government whose behaviors belong to irregularity and misfeasance. 文章摘要: 行政问责制是对政府的违法或不当行为及其后果追究责任的制度。
  4. It consists of subjective intention or great misfeasance of identifier, illegal identification, result of damages, causality between illegal identification and result of damages. 鉴定人主观上有故意或重大过失、违法鉴定行为、损害结果、违法鉴定行为与损害结果有因果关系,是这一侵权责任的构成要件。
  5. The responsibility-asking in administration is the system that run the responsibilities of government whose behaviors belong to irregularity and misfeasance. 摘要行政问责制是对政府的违法或不当行为及其后果追究责任的制度。
  6. Not only must we crack down on the illegal market behaviour, but also to investigate the management and managers administration and supervision and Shizha, misfeasance and malfeasance. 不仅要严肃查处市场主体的违法违规行为,而且要查处管理部门和管理人员管理不到位、监管不力以及失查、失职和渎职行为。