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2024-01-24 11:19:17
美[mɪsgaɪdəns]  英[mɪsgaɪdəns]
n.  错误的指导


  1. The ever-existing misguidance remains - though darker and increasingly widespread. 现有的误导会继续存在,黑暗会日益扩大;
  2. Dissemination of securities trading information by various media must be truthful, objective and misguidance shall be prohibited. 各种传播媒介传播证券交易信息必须真实、客观,禁止误导。
  3. Negatively, the external effect may cause misguidance to the public, transferring vulgar culture, blind worship and inferior values. 通过科学合理规制,可以充分发挥新闻出版的正外部效应,最大限度减少负外部效应,维护执政党执政安全。
  4. However such civilizations chose not to have a complete ascension due to the misguidance of forces of the dark wishing to perpetuate extinction rather than ascension of the whole. 但是由于希望延续毁灭、而不是整体提升的黑暗力量之错误的指示,这些文明没有选择完全提升。
  5. Those that fall off into paths that lead to failure will clear karma for ancestors who followed the same path of misguidance that led to combustion in the past. 那些跌入失败道路上的人们,将为跟随了在过去带来自我焚化的、同样被误导的道路上的祖先们清理业力。
  6. In recent years, the serious confusion in identification markings of compound fertilizer product causes a broad misguidance to farmer, even results in fertilizer harm to consumer. 近年来,复混肥料产品标识混乱状况比较突出,胡乱标注标识误导农民消费,从而造成肥害事件时有发生。