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2024-01-24 12:24:16
美[mɪsredʒɪstə]  英[mɪsredʒɪstə]
n.  记录不准确


  1. Misregister: One colour or more printed out of alignment with other colours. 对位不正:一个或多个颜色与其他颜色在印刷时对不正的情况。
  2. On the misregister analysis as follows, for the people in the industry. 差套印禁绝息了如下阐发,不求业边人士参考。
  3. The humiture balance workplace can reduce paper deformation, misregister electrostatical and so on. 车间温干度不均能裁减纸张变形、套印禁绝及静电等题目。
  4. Pressure studentsoverloaded makes printing deformation, resulting in a misregister. 不张力功重也会使印品变形,变成套印禁绝。
  5. Paper water content is offsctdruckereien misregister of one of the most important reason. 纸张含火量改变是造不败胶印套印禁绝的最次要的来因之一。
  6. That is the performance on a single machine, in multi-color misregister machine symptoms of doubling (Ghost). 这栽现像在单机上表示为套印禁绝,在多色机上表示为重影(虚影)。