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2024-01-24 12:57:16
美[ˌmɪsspelt]  英[ˌmɪsspelt]
sp.  misspell的过去式及过去分词;拼写错误


  1. I got stuck when I misspelt a word in a crossword puzzle. 我在拼写一个纵横字谜中的词时卡住了。
  2. I am terribly sorry for having misspelt your name. It was a slip of the pen. 我很遗憾将你的名字拼错了,这是个笔误。
  3. Mr Brown had earlier misspelt her surname in a letter of condolence. 此前,布朗先生曾在悼词中拼错了这位母亲的姓。
  4. Despite the popularity of school spelling bee competitions, adults in the US fared poorly in a survey comparing how English speakers on both sides of the Atlantic deal with commonly misspelt words. 虽然拼写比赛在学校里很受欢迎,但在一项针对大西洋两岸的英语使用者处理拼写错误的调查中美国成年人的表现差强人意。
  5. Correct a wrongly written character or a misspelt word 矫正字形,使符合书写或拼写规范