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2024-01-24 14:00:16
美[mɪtəˌgeɪtə]  英[mɪtɪgeɪtə]
n.  使缓和的人


  1. For this study, cells treated immediately after irradiation with JP4-039 demonstrated significant radioprotection, suggesting a potential role for the drug as a mitigator of radiation damage. 此次研究中,细胞被辐射后即刻借助JP4-039药物进行治疗,呈现出明显的抗辐射特征,说明该药物具备抗辐射破坏的潜力,可作为一种缓和剂来用。
  2. Project Description: Gulfstream Aerospace and NASAs Dryden Flight Research Center tested the structural integrity of a telescopic Quiet Spike sonic boom mitigator on a NASA F-15B testbed aircraft. 项目描述:湾流航空和宇航局德莱顿飞行研究中心测试的结构完整性的伸缩安静斯派克爆音缓和对美国航天局的F - 15B条试验飞机。
  3. hence this right functions not as a mitigator, but as a booster to stratification. 受高等教育权在社会分层过程中失去了调节器的作用,成为加剧社会分层的助推器。