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2024-01-24 14:47:17
美[mɪzn]  英[mɪzn]
n.  后桅


  1. third mast from the bow in a vessel having three or more masts; the after and shorter mast of a yawl, ketch, or dandy
  2. fore-and-aft sail set on the mizzenmast


  1. Their foremasts are typically raked forward, while the main and mizzen were either straight or raked slightly back. 他们的前桅杆很典型的向前倾斜,而主桅杆和后桅杆或是垂直或是略微向后倾斜。
  2. Quick as thought, I sprang into the mizzen shrouds, rattled up hand over hand, and did not draw a breath till I was seated on the cross-trees. 我闪电般地跳上了后桅支索,双手交替往上爬,直到坐上了桅杆顶上的桁梁才松了口气。
  3. mizzen yardph. 后桅之帆桁
  4. mizzen stay 后桅支索
  5. mizzen mast 后桅