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2024-01-24 16:00:16
美[mɑːdərət]  英[mɒdərət]
adj.  适度的;温和的;稳健的;中等的
v.  节制;使 ... 稳定,使 ... 缓和
n.  稳健的人
  副词:moderately  名词:moderateness  过去式:moderated  过去分词:moderated  现在分词:moderating  第三人称单数:moderates


  1. 适度的, 适当的
  2. 温和的
  3. 稳健的
  4. 有节制的
  5. 中等的
  6. 普通的
  7. 不偏激的,不过分的
  8. 中庸的,一般的,平庸的
  9. 迟钝的
  10. 【物】慢化的
  11. 减速的
  12. 温和派的
  1. 调节
  2. 缓和,和缓
  3. 主持(会议), 做会场司仪
  4. 变温和,变弱
  5. 静息
  6. 节制
  7. 使和缓,使减轻,使缓和,使稳定
  8. 节约
  9. 【物】慢化
  10. 减速
  11. 变和缓, 变稳定,变缓和
  12. 做调人,作调解人
  13. 控制,限制
  14. 纠正
  15. 放弃
  16. 减轻
  17. 减少
  18. 使适中
  19. 审核评分(查看不同阅卷人所打分数是否公平一致)
  20. 作仲裁者
  1. 温和主义者
  2. 稳健的人
  3. 稳健派
  4. 持温和观点者


  1. 中等的,适度的,不很大的 not at either end of a range of size, force, etc.but perhaps nearer the lower end than the higher
  2. 温和的; 有节制的 done or kept within sensible limits
  3. 中庸的,稳健的,不走极端的 avoiding or not accepting ideas that are very different from those of most people; not politically extreme
  1. vt. & vi. (使)减轻〔缓和〕; 节制 make or become less in force, degree, rate, etc.; reduce


  1. a person who takes a position in the political center
  1. being within reasonable or average limits; not excessive or extreme;

    "moderate prices" "a moderate income" "a moderate fine" "moderate demands" "a moderate estimate" "a moderate eater" "moderate success" "a kitchen of moderate size" "the X-ray showed moderate enlargement of the heart"

  2. not extreme;

    "a moderate penalty" "temperate in his response to criticism"

  3. marked by avoidance of extravagance or extremes;

    "moderate in his demands" "restrained in his response"

  1. preside over;

    "John moderated the discussion"

  2. make less fast or intense;

    "moderate your speed"

  3. lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits;

    "moderate your alcohol intake" "hold your tongue" "hold your temper" "control your anger"

  4. make less severe or harsh;

    "He moderated his tone when the students burst out in tears"

  5. make less strong or intense; soften;

    "Tone down that aggressive letter" "The author finally tamed some of his potentially offensive statements"

  6. restrain


  1. moderate price适当的价格
  2. moderate request小小的请求
  3. moderate expenses适度的花费
  4. moderate speech稳健的谈吐
  5. moderate weather温和的天气
  1. demand moderate要求适度
  2. display〔show〕 moderate显得温和
  1. moderate admirably稳健得令人钦佩
  2. moderate reasonably合理地节制
  1. moderate in speech谈吐温和


  1. Moderate exercise will be of benefit to you.适度运动对你有益。
  2. Corn plants grow well in moderate weather.谷类植物在温和气候中生长繁盛。
  3. He holds moderate opinions.他的意见稳健不偏激。
  4. The team enjoyed only moderate success last season.上个赛季,这个球队只取得了中等成绩。
  1. She moderated her enthusiasm deliberately .她有意地节制了自己的热情。
  2. He moderated his tone when the students burst out in tears.当这个学生掉下眼泪时,他缓和了他的声音。
  1. He is a moderate.他是个稳健的人