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2024-01-24 17:24:17
美[moʊk]  英[məʊk]
n.  <澳俚>驽马


  1. British informal for donkey


  1. Study hard , and moke progress every day! 好好学习;天天向上.
  2. The moke grew heavier and heavier. 烟雾变得越来越浓了。
  3. Some teenagers obsessed with the characters in the computer games, even moke the violent acts in it. 一些年轻人喜欢模仿电脑里的角色,去做一些暴力的事情。
  4. Masters history here Yinshizuofu Moke, inscriptions Stele, leaving behind numerous precious Mobao. 历代名人墨客在这里吟诗作赋,题字刻石,留下无数珍贵墨宝。
  5. Previous poet Moke, celebrities Aston, Xianhuanmingru this Pijinxingyin, left many poems Mobao and Cliff stone. 历代诗人墨客、名人雅士、显宦名儒到此披襟行吟,留下许多诗词墨宝和摩崖石刻。
  6. Modern thrift aims to increase labour productivity, to moke better use of natural rescueres, to create greater w... 在新的形势下,重新审视节约的价值,对于推动具有中国特色的社会主义建设的发展具有现实的意义。