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2024-01-24 17:36:16
美[moʊld]  英[məʊld]
n.  模式;类型;模子;模型;真菌;软土
vt.  形成;制模;发霉
vi.  发霉;符合形状
  形容词:moldable  名词:molder  过去式:molded  过去分词:molded  现在分词:molding  第三人称单数:molds


  1. 霉,霉菌
  2. 耕作土壤,松软沃土
  3. 模子,模型,铸模
  4. 模式
  5. 模制品,铸件
  6. 类型,性格,气质
  7. 【建】(装饰)线条
  8. 雏型
  9. 造型
  1. 发霉
  2. 用泥土覆盖
  3. 用模子做,铸造,浇铸
  4. 塑造,把…塑造成
  5. 影响,对...产生影响
  6. 指导或控制...生长
  7. 与…的轮廓相符合,符合形状
  8. 用凹凸线条装饰
  9. 做模子,制模


  1. the distinctive form in which a thing is made;

    "pottery of this cast was found throughout the region"

  2. container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardens
  3. loose soil rich in organic matter
  4. the process of becoming mildewed
  5. a fungus that produces a superficial growth on various kinds of damp or decaying organic matter
  6. a dish or dessert that is formed in or on a mold;

    "a lobster mold" "a gelatin dessert made in a mold"

  7. a distinctive nature, character, or type;

    "a leader in the mold of her predecessors"

  8. sculpture produced by molding
  1. form in clay, wax, etc;

    "model a head with clay"

  2. become moldy; spoil due to humidity;

    "The furniture molded in the old house"

  3. form by pouring (e.g., wax or hot metal) into a cast or mold;

    "cast a bronze sculpture"

  4. make something, usually for a specific function;

    "She molded the rice balls carefully" "Form cylinders from the dough" "shape a figure" "Work the metal into a sword"

  5. fit tightly, follow the contours of;

    "The dress molds her beautiful figure"

  6. shape or influence; give direction to;

    "experience often determines ability" "mold public opinion"


  1. Pictures help you to form the mental mold.想象有助于你形成思想模式。
  2. Chiefly the mold of a mans fortune is in his own hands.一个人的命运模式主要是由自己决定的。
  3. We need more people of his mold.我们需要更多他那种类型的人。
  4. And then you put them in a mold.然后把它们放到一个模子里。
  5. They are cut from the same mold.他们是一个模子刻出来的.
  6. The mathematical mold is more closed to actual gas emission .这个数学模型更接近瓦斯涌出的实际情况。
  7. Too much rain may blight the garden with mold.雨水太多会令花园因长真菌而枯萎。
  8. Many wild flowers grow in the forest mold.森林里的松软沃土上长著许多野花。
  1. West culture has been molded by the Bible.西方文化的形成受到《圣经》的巨大影响。
  2. Are mold lines indexing or continuous?有标定指数的制模线吗?
  3. Bread tends to mold in damp weather.在潮湿天气中面包易于发霉。
  1. The cheese molded in the damp cellar.乳酪在潮湿的地下室中长了霉。
  2. I am looking for a pair of shoes that mold to my feet.我正在找一双合我脚的鞋子。