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2024-01-24 18:01:16
美  英
sp.  莫利塞[意大利行政区名]


  1. a region of south central Italy


  1. The name that Dan Moli spends circulates so came down. 但茉莉花的名字就这样流传下来了。
  2. Book online the cheapest hotels in Molise - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Molise 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
  3. Im Karen. You can call me Moli as Foo used to call me Moli. Muahahaha.... 谢谢。。哈哈。。她有放水晶毒。。害我中毒深深,已不能自拔。。
  4. In 1987, he achieved great success because of his performance in Lover of Molise. 虽然没有巨大影响,但他的表演才能却令圈内人十分赞赏。
  5. In 2002, a school in Molise, in southern Italy, collapsed during a tremor, killing 27 children and their teacher. 2002年,意大利南部莫利塞的一所学校在地震中倒塌,27名学生和他们的一位老师遇难。
  6. In 1860 it was joined to Abruzzi, to form Abruzzi e Molise, which was incorporated into the kingdom of Italy. 1860年并入阿布鲁齐,共同组成了阿布鲁齐-莫利塞大区归属义大利王国。