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2024-01-24 18:10:16
美  英
n.  [动]软体动物类;[医]软疣
sp.  名词molluscum的复数形式.


  1. gastropods; bivalves; cephalopods; chitons


  1. Mollusca is the second biggest phylum in animal kingdom. 软体动物是动物界仅次于节肢动物的第二大门类.
  2. Among 52 species of mollusca identified, 45 were gastropods,7 were bivalves. 调查期间采到的软体动物已鉴定52种,其中腹足类45种,双壳类7种。
  3. A case of molluscum contagiosum occurring in epidermal cyst is reported. 报告1例传染性软疣伴发表皮囊肿。
  4. The species, quantity and ecological distribution of mollusca in intertidal zone of Quanzhou are reported. 报道了泉州市潮间带贝类的种类、数量及其生态分布。
  5. Ammonites are a group of marine animals of the subclass Ammonoidea in the class Cephalopoda, phylum Mollusca. 石菊是软体动物门头足纲石菊亚纲的一类水生动物。
  6. The species composition of mollusca were markedly difference in different sediment. 不同底质的红树林区软体动物组成有显著差异。 污染可能是造成沙头角红树林区软体动物多样性低的重要环境因子。