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2024-01-24 22:38:16
美[ˌmɒnoʊfaɪletɪk]  英[ˌmɒnəʊfaɪletɪk]
adj.  [生]单元的;单源的


  1. The Chilopoda and Diplopoda are monophyletic group respectively. 4、唇足纲与倍足纲在系统发生上各自均为单系群。
  2. In Epilachninae, both Epilachna and Henosepilachna were not monophyletic. 食植瓢虫亚科的食植瓢虫属和裂臀瓢虫属均不是单系群。
  3. Muscicapidae and Paridae are known to be two monophylitic families, but Sylviidae is not a monophyletic group. 从类群的单系性来看,鹟科和山雀科分别构成单系,而莺科不是一个单系群。
  4. Our results firmly demonstrate that each of extant deuterostome phyla and chordate subphyla is monophyletic. 我们的结果表明现存后口动物中各个门均为单系起源,同样脊索动物的各个亚门也为单起源,但在系统发生关系分析中,序列选择的变化能够导致不同的进化树生成。
  5. Axis is not monophyletic and it is strongly supported that A. porcinus should be merged into Cervus. 麋鹿属与鹿属有较近的进化关系,支持将其并入鹿属;
  6. The results of phylogenetic analyses suggest that the subgenus Pogonophace is not a monophyletic group. Sesbanella)与亚属其余类群在系统树上处于不同的分支,亲缘关系较远,这个亚属不是一个单系类群;