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2024-01-24 22:46:17
美[ˌmɒnəpoʊdɪəl]  英[ˌmɒnəpəʊdɪəl]
adj.  [植]单轴的


  1. Herbs perennial, rhizomatous, monopodial. 多年生草本,根状茎,单轴分枝。
  2. These in turn lose their dominance and lateral buds take over their role.Compare monopodial. 依次类推,各级主枝干丢失其生长优势而其地位由侧枝代替形成的树冠形状。
  3. A comparative anatomical investigation and systematic classification studies on rhizomes of Chinese monopodial bamboos. 国产散生竹地下茎的比较解剖观察及分类学的初步研究.
  4. Using 14C tracing technique,the 14C-assimilation and partitioning of 14C assimilates of the cotton plant with monopodial branches were studied. 运用14C示踪技术研究了留营养枝棉株14C同化物生产运转分配规律。
  5. The boll number of monopodium is 23.5% of cotton retaining monopodium.There is no obvious difference of fiber quality between stem of cotton retaining and removing monopodium. 叶枝铃纤维的马克隆值低于主茎铃,说明叶枝铃纤维细度较好,其它各项品质性状都不及去叶枝和留叶枝棉花主茎铃纤维。
  6. The results were as follows:the 14C assimilation of the leaves on main stem and fruiting branches of cotton plant with monopodial branches were reduced significantly. 结果表明:留营养枝与否对全株14C总同化量基本没有影响,但留营养枝棉株果枝叶的相对光合强度(以放射性比强度表示)降低;