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2024-01-24 22:57:17
美[ˌmɒnoʊprəpelənt]  英[mɒnəʊprəpelənt]
n.  单元燃料


  1. The comparison between the solid bipropellant firing results and the monopropellant firing results appears to be quite good. 固体二元推进剂和单元推进剂的点火试验结果是很相近的。
  2. Technology for space chemical propulsion includes bipropellant propulsion, monopropellant propulsion and micropropulsion. 空间化学推进技术包括双组元推进、单组元推进和微推进技术。
  3. The ignition and combustion properties of liquid monopropellant LP1846 droplet havebeen investigated in hot convection ambience. 研究单元液体推进剂LP1846液滴在高温对流环境中着火、燃烧的特性。
  4. To evaluate pre-heating process of N2O monopropellant thruster and reduce pre-heating energy, a numerical model was developed. 摘要为了解决N2O单组元推进器存在的预热能量消耗过大,启动时间过长的问题,在实验基础上建立了推进器预热过程的数学模型。
  5. Study on HAP-Based Liquid Monopropellant 高氯酸羟胺基液体单元推进剂的研究
  6. I Phased Monopropellant I Hydrazine Boosters 定相组件推进剂联氨推进器