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2024-01-24 23:08:17
美[ˌmɒnoʊsoʊmɪk]  英[ˌmɒnəʊsəʊmɪk]
adj.  单(染色)体的


  1. One double-monosomicsubstitution and one monosomic substitution were obtained. 同时也对旱麦草属的抗白粉病和耐盐性进行了鉴定。
  2. The transmission and reproduetive characters of apomictic monosomic addition lines of Beta vulgaris L. 甜菜无融合生殖单体附加系的繁殖传递特性。
  3. T-test and Duncan variance analysis were adopted in F_1 and F_2 monosomic analysis. 单体分析中F_1世代采用t-测验,F_2世代采用Duncan方差分析法。
  4. In addition, the chromosomal location of dwarfing and long glume character of dwarfing polish wheat was studied by means of Langdon monosomic analysis. 采用单体分析法,对矮秆波兰小麦的矮秆、长颖基因进行了基因定位。
  5. The M14 is a monosomic addition line of Beta corolliflora in Beta vulgaris (VV, 2n=18) which consists of 19 chromosomes (VV+1C, 2n=19). 甜菜单体附加系M14品系(VV+1C,2n=19)是栽培甜菜(Beta vulgaris,2n=18)染色体组附加了白花甜菜(Beta corolliflora)第9号染色体。
  6. Clearly irregularities of this nature could lead to the production of aneuploid offspring. 3.57% of PMCs took place the translocation. 2.22% of the populations were monosomic plants. 显然,这种自然的不规则性可能导致非整倍体后代的产生。3.;57%25的细胞发生了易位,群体的2