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2024-01-24 23:44:17
美[ˌmɒnəveɪlənt]  英[ˌmɒnəveɪlənt]
adj.  单价的;仅能抵抗某种病菌的


  1. containing only one kind of antibody
  2. having a valence of 1


  1. A monovalent vaccine;a monovalent serum. 单抗原疫苗;单抗原血清
  2. A sufficient concentration of monovalent ions, such as ??l, can bring about coagulation in this way. 足够浓的一价离子象??l能够以这种方法引起凝聚。
  3. Halogen atoms contain seven electrons in their valence shell, and, consequently, are monovalent. 卤原子在它们的价电子层含有七个电子,因此是一价的。
  4. A monovalent radical,such as ethyl or propyl,having the general formula CnH2n+1. 烷基,烃基一种单价基,如乙烷基和丙基,分子式为CnH2n+
  5. A monovalent radical, such as ethyl or propyl, having the general formula CnH2n+1. 烷基,烃基一种单价基,如乙烷基和丙基,分子式为cnh2n+1
  6. If much plan the product is monovalent, what effect can you cause to duty Wu? To drawback? 假如多计产品单价,会对税务造成什么影响?对退税呢?