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2024-01-25 00:15:16
美  英
n.  蒙蒂普尔查诺红葡萄酒


  1. Book online the cheapest hotels in Montepulciano - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Montepulciano 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
  2. An easy drinking, velvety wine from Montepulciano and Primitivo (Italian Zinfandel) grapes, Villa Camilla typifies Southern Italian richness and body. 此酒清新怡人,酒质柔软,来自酿酒区Montepulciano(蒙特普西安诺)和Primitivo意大利仙粉黛葡萄酿制的。金美象意大利南部丰富醇厚特色的酒质。
  3. Well, our region is very well known for the red Montepulciano dAbruzzo, the white Trebbiano dAbruzzo and the Cerasuolo Rose, these are the most important wines that we produce. 特鲁利:嗯,我们地区众所周知的是阿布鲁佐蒙蒂普尔查诺红葡萄酒、阿布鲁佐白堂比内洛以及樱桃红塞拉索洛。这些是我们生产的最重要的葡萄酒。
  4. Red wine obtained from Montepulciano grapes. Full bodied red wine, aromatic and velvety with a ruby red color. Suitable with soups, rice dishes and cheese. Serve at room temperature. 此酒酿自蒙蒂普尔查诺红葡萄,宝石红色,酒体丰满,柔软,芳香。适合同汤,谷物类和奶酪一起室温下享用。