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2024-01-25 00:21:16
美[mɒntgɒlfɪə]  英[mɒntgɒlfɪə(r)]
n.  热空气气球


  1. French inventor who (with his brother Josef Michel Montgolfier) pioneered hot-air ballooning (1745-1799)
  2. French inventor who (with his brother Jacques Etienne Montgolfier) pioneered hot-air ballooning (1740-1810)


  1. The Montgolfier brothers launched the first passenger balloon in France in 1 7 8 3 . 孟高尔费兄弟于1783年在法国将第一个载客汽球送上天空。
  2. The Montgolfier brothers launched the first passenger balloon in France in 1783. 孟高尔费兄弟于1783年在法国将第一个载客汽球送上天空。
  3. The Montgolfier brothers launched the first passenger balloon in France in 1 7 8 3. 孟高尔费兄弟于1783年在法国将第一个载客汽球送上天空。
  4. The Montgolfier brothers began experimenting by filling small paper bags with smoke. 蒙戈尔菲耶兄弟俩最初的实验是把烟装进小纸袋。
  5. In 1783, two other Frenchmen stepped forward and said they would take to the skies in a Montgolfier balloon. 1783年,另两位法国人把热气球的研制向前推进了一步,他们说会用热气球把自己送上天空。
  6. Joseph* and Jacques** Montgolfier were the inventor sons of a prosperous paper manufacturer in southern France. 约瑟夫*和雅克**菲尔是发明家的儿子一个繁荣的纸张制造商在法国南部。