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2024-01-25 00:24:16
美[mʌnθlɒŋ]  英[mʌnθlɒŋ]
adj.  整月的


  1. last through a month;

    "a monthlong stay in the hospital"


  1. Besides you may have a paid monthlong holiday every year. 此外,你每年可休一个月的带薪假。
  2. In mid-July, for example, the stock market began a monthlong move higher. 以今年7月为例,当时股市开始了一轮长达一个月的上涨行情。
  3. Al-Harby is the third man to take advantage of the monthlong amnesty that King Fahd offered militants on June 23. 阿哈比是沙特政府6月23日发布的期限为一个月的特赦令以来第三位投降的基地成员。
  4. And they’d completed a monthlong course to learn how to operate the fire engines. 并且他们刚刚在一个月的培训中学会了怎样操作消防车。
  5. Jordan Farmar broke free from a monthlong slump with 13 points as the Lakers reserves basically won the game. 乔丹法玛尔在消沉了一整个月后终于苏醒了,他拿下了13分,成为获胜的关键!
  6. Theresults were announced Sunday after a monthlong selectionorganizedby the Chinese Society of Archaeology. 深圳大学计划招生6000人,深职院计划招生7320人,深圳信息技术学院计划招生2100人。