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2024-01-25 00:29:17
美  英
n.  蒙特默伦西樱桃(色鲜红;味酸)


  1. Anne de Montmorency was one of Frances foremost generals during the wars between France and Spain in the 16th century. 十六世纪法国和西班牙战争期间,昂.德.蒙莫朗西是法国最显赫的将领之一。
  2. In a dramatic freefall, the 275-foot (84-meter) Montmorency Falls plunges into the St.Lawrence River in Quebec, Canada. 在加拿大的魁北克,壮观的蒙特默伦西瀑布冲入圣劳伦斯河,这条瀑布高达275英尺(84米)。
  3. Montmorency responded by hitting Stuart in the face with his sword hilt, knocking out three of the Scotsmans front teeth. 斯图亚特叫他投降,他的答复就是用剑柄向斯图亚特脸上撞去,撞脱了三颗门牙。
  4. Temporarily allowing his anger to overcome his greed for ransom, Stuart pulled out his pistol and shot Montmorency in the chest, killing him instantly. 斯图亚特虽然贪得赎金,却一时忍不住怒气,拔出手枪,对着蒙莫朗西胸膛,一枪取了他性命。
  5. The vast and romantic 16th-century chateau was built for the very rich Duc de Montmorency, a courtier who carried out many diplomatic missions to Constantinople. 这座宽阔而具浪漫风格的16世纪城堡是为富有的蒙莫昂西公爵建造的,他曾作为信使前往君士坦丁堡执行过很多外交任务。
  6. Cherry Montmorency gummosis virus 蒙莫伦赛樱桃流胶病毒