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2024-01-25 00:42:16
美[mɒnzəˌnaɪt]  英[mɒnzənaɪt]
n.  二长岩


  1. Usually white, yellowish, pinkish, or gray, it is the volcanic equivalent of monzonite. 通常为白色、浅黄色、浅粉色或灰色,是相当于二长岩的火山岩。
  2. Many Paleoproterozoic diorite intrusions and the Hercynian monzonite granite intrusions were encircled in the region of Dayingzi-Fengning. 丰宁大营子一带大面积出露古元古代闪长岩和海西期二长花岗岩。
  3. Monzonite is not rare, but it generally occurs in rather small, heterogeneous masses mixed with diorites, pyroxenites, or gabbros. 二长岩并不是罕见的岩石类型,但一般呈小规模、非均质的岩体出现,与闪长岩、辉石岩或辉长岩共生。
  4. The wollastonite ore body occure in the exo-contact zone of quartz monzonite, the host rockis Yanguan Formation siliceous limestone of Lower Carboniferous. 硅灰石矿体产出在石英二长岩外接触带下石炭统岩关阶硅质灰岩特定的地层中。
  5. Augite monzonite crystallized at high-temperature and over-hypabyssal conditions.The water-deficient, highly viscous magma was favourable to the formation of the volcanic dome. 辉石二长岩形成于高温、超浅成的环境下,贫水、粘度较高的岩浆有利于火山穹窿的形成。
  6. The study of petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry suggests that augite latite and augite monzonite are cognate, belonging to the upper and root parts of the volcanic dome respectively. 岩石、矿物地球化学的研究表明,辉石粗安岩与辉石二长岩同源,分别为火山穹窿的上部和根部。