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2024-01-25 00:53:16
美[muːn]  英[muːn]
n.  月亮;月球
v.  闲逛;虚度;露光臀示人
  过去式:mooned  过去分词:mooned  现在分词:mooning  第三人称单数:moons


  1. 月球
  2. 月(亮),月牙儿
  3. 卫星
  4. 月光
  5. 月状物
  6. 太阳月
  7. 新月形物
  8. 甲弧影
  9. 新月旗
  10. 酒,私酿的威士忌酒
  11. 【天】月相
  12. <书>月(=month)
  13. 想做办不到的事情,想要得不到的东西
  14. 很久以前
  1. (懒洋洋地)闲荡,闲逛,没精打彩地东瞧西望,晃来晃去
  2. 出神,呆想,痴想,臆想,呆看
  3. 虚度时间,虚度(光阴),稀里糊涂度过(时日),捱过,消磨时光
  4. 痴痴地思念(所爱的人)
  5. <俚>以屁股示人,通过窗户把臀部裸露给别人看
  6. 像月亮般发光


  1. [S]月亮,月球 the body which moves round the Earth once every 28 days and can be seen shining in the sky at night
  2. [C]卫星 a body that moves round a planet other than the Earth
  3. [C]一个月 a month


  1. the natural satellite of the Earth;

    "the average distance to the Moon is 384,400 kilometers" "men first stepped on the moon in 1969"

  2. any object resembling a moon;

    "he made a moon lamp that he used as a night light" "the clock had a moon that showed various phases"

  3. the period between successive new moons (29.531 days)
  4. the light of the Moon;

    "moonlight is the smugglers enemy" "the Moon was bright enough to read by"

  5. United States religious leader (born in Korea) who founded the Unification Church in 1954; was found guilty of conspiracy to evade taxes (born in 1920)
  6. any natural satellite of a planet;

    "Jupiter has sixteen moons"

  1. have dreamlike musings or fantasies while awake;

    "She looked out the window, daydreaming"

  2. be idle in a listless or dreamy way
  3. expose ones buttocks to;

    "moon the audience"


  1. admire the full moon观赏圆月
  2. bark at the moon瞎嚷嚷,无事自扰
  3. conquer the moon征服月球
  4. cover the moon覆盖月亮
  5. cry for the moon异想天开
  6. fly to the moon飞向月球
  7. hide the moon盖住月亮,把月亮藏起来
  8. jump over the moon快活极了
  9. land on the moon在月球上着陆
  10. promise sb the moon许空愿
  11. shoot the moon夜逃,夜奔
  12. view the moon观察月亮,赏月
  13. watch the moon赏月
  1. blue moon不可能的事
  2. bright moon明月
  3. charming moon迷人的月亮
  4. crescent moon新月
  5. dim moon朦胧的月色
  6. full moon满月
  7. glorious moon明月
  8. half moon半月
  9. little moon没有什么月光
  10. new moon新月
  11. pale moon苍白的月亮
  12. waning moon亏月
  13. waxing moon渐盈的月亮
  1. harvest moon收获季节的满月
  2. Mid-Autumn moon中秋月
  3. quarter moon四分月
  4. silver moon银月
  1. moon landing登月
  1. beneath the moon在月光下
  2. man in the moon月中人,想象中的人
  3. once in a blue moon罕有的
  4. on the moon在月球上
  5. under the moon在月光下
  1. moon at the first quarter上弦月
  2. moon at the third quarter下弦月


  1. The moon goes round the earth.月亮绕着地球转。
  2. Last night there was a full moon.昨晚是满月。
  3. The moon peeped out from behind the clouds.月亮从云层中隐现。
  4. The spacecraft is in orbit around the moon.该航天器在绕月球轨道运行。
  1. The boys have nothing to do but moon around in the streets .这些男孩子没什么事可做,只是在街上闲荡。
  2. Are you going to moon away the whole of your life ?你就准备虚度整个人生的时光吗?
  3. I dont like to moon away this Sunday in idleness.我不愿意无所事事地度过这个星期天。
  4. All that she has done since her boy - friend left her is to moon about .她男朋友离开她后,她所做的一切就是闲荡。


    moon的意思是指围绕地球旋转的“月亮”“月球”。因为moon是地球唯一已知的天然卫星,它常与定冠词the连用,首字母小写。在科技文章中,为了醒目,常把moon的第一个字母大写。moon有时可用于比喻,表示“月状物”。 moon在表示月亮某时间出现等某种状态时,可与不定冠词连用,此时其前常有形容词修饰,作此解时常用单数。 在文学语言中, moon也可用作复数,强调月亮不断地重复出现,衬托出人物内心情绪和思想状况。在诗歌中, moon可作“月”解。 moon引申作“月光”解时,要与定冠词the或little等词连用。 moon作“卫星”解时是可数名词。当指地球以外的其他行星的卫星时,可有复数形式。 在有些成语中, moon常比喻为“可望而不可得的东西”。


  1. 一轮明月从山后冉冉升起。

    The bright moon was coming up over the hill.

    A bright moon was coming up over the hill.
