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2024-01-25 02:09:16
美[oʊ]  英[ˌeməʊɑː(r)]
n.  粗腐殖质(森林中的浮层土壤)
abbr.  mor.
sp.  道中间的;中间立场的(=middle-of-the-road)


  1. Because no one in the world love you mor. 因为世界上没有人比我更爱你。
  2. Variations of MOE and MOR in Ioblollypine wood. 火炬松木材的抗弯弹性模量和抗弯强度的变异。
  3. It rains mor often in Shanghai than in Beijing. 上海下的雨比北京的多。
  4. Tomorrow will be a holiday, the visitors will be mor and more. 明天是假日,这里的游客会更多。
  5. The addition of clay gives a higher density, MOR, and strength. 加入粘土后,密度、MOR和强度更大。
  6. MMMMM Belgium chocs cum my way, few mor days and u all mine. 注册使用这个实用工具把您和朋友联系起来。