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2024-01-25 02:19:17
美[mɒrəlaɪzeɪʃn]  英[mɒrəlaɪzeɪʃn]
n.  教化;德化;用道德解释


  1. indulgence in moral pronouncements; the exposition (often superficially) of a particular moral code;

    "his constant moralizing drove me mad"

  2. the act of making moral (or more moral);

    "for years she worked toward the moralization of English literature"


  1. Moral taint has spread among young people. 道德的败坏在年轻人之间蔓延。
  2. People can draw a moral from tales. 人们可以从寓言里吸取经验教训。
  3. You may draw your own moral from it. 你可以从中得出自己的教训。
  4. His moral standards have been called into question. 他的道德标准令人生疑。
  5. A baby isnt born with a moral sense. 孩子并不是生来就有是非感的。
  6. Human beings are moral individuals. 人是有辨别是非能力的。