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2024-01-25 02:42:17
美[mɔːdənsɪ]  英[mɔːdnsɪ]
n.  辛辣;尖酸;嘲弄


  1. An inquisitors mordant questioning. 审讯者一针见血的提问
  2. Actors feared the critics mordant pen. 演员都惧怕这位批评家辛辣尖刻的笔调。
  3. His political opponents feared his mordant wit. 他的政治对手害怕他尖酸机智的话。
  4. His mordant wit appealed to students. 他那尖刻的妙语受到学生们的欢迎。
  5. A modent mordant helps fix the dye to the material. 媒染剂有助于将染料附着于材料。
  6. A mordant helps fix the dye to the material. 腐蚀液帮助染料固定在原料上。