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2024-01-25 03:28:16
美[mɔːfɪk]  英[mɔːfɪk]
adj.  形态学(上);语形学的


  1. A Morphic Study On Erigeron Breviscapus(Vant) Hand-Mazz Affecting Angiogenesis of Golden Hamster Cheek Pouch. 灯盏细辛对金地鼠颊囊癌血管生成影响的形态特征研究
  2. Divinely Morphic: Nerull and any other entity of lesser deity power or greater can alter Carceri. 神力塑性:奈落以及其他至少要有强大神力的存在才可以改变卡瑟利的性质。
  3. I want to dig how the technic and culture effect the morphic of architecture through the study of development history of brick. 并试图通过对砖石构造发展演变的研究,深层次挖掘技术及文化是如何交叉影响建筑构造的形态的。
  4. Objective To study ultrastructure changes of myocardium and morphic changes of cardiomyocyte apoptosis in mice with viral myocarditis(VMC). 目的研究病毒性心肌炎(VMC)小鼠心肌超微结构改变及细胞凋亡的形态学变化。
  5. Educational development in urban areas has the "i so morphic nature" with the national or regional development of education. 城市的教育发展与整个国家或地区的教育发展具有“同构性”。
  6. It stimulates and mobilizes our fragmented parts into a unified morphic field of inquiry.It ignites a unique unexpected and magical turn of events. 它刺激并动员我们内在各个部分,连整成一个单一的追寻能场,它点燃事件创造出乎意料与近乎奇迹的翻转。