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2024-01-25 03:30:16
美[mɔːfɪˌnɪzəm]  英[mɔːfɪnɪzəm]
n.  吗啡中毒


  1. He is a morphinomaniac, suffering from morphinism. 他是个吗啡瘾者,深受吗啡中毒之害。
  2. The amount of morphin for oral was decreasing. 硫酸吗啡控释片的用量日益减少;
  3. I started as a production assistant for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. 我一开始做的是MightyMorphinPowerRangers的产品助理。
  4. Yet Freud continued to advocate the use of cocaine in morphinism, presumably on the basis that (as had been reported by others) it was beneficial in selected cases. 而弗洛伊德仍继续倡导在吗啡上瘾时服用可卡因,据其他人的报道这可能是建立在某些病症上会产生效应的理论基础上的。
  5. Conclusion:As the evaluation indicator of WHO cancer complaint amendment,the dosage of Morphin was low in our hospital. 结论:吗啡作为WHO评价改善癌痛状态的指标,在我院用量偏小。
  6. Results The amount of money of narcotics was increasing year by year,with fentamyl leading the first place each year,Morphin injection consumption and pethidine injection consumption were decreasing. 结果郑州市第五人民医院麻醉药品的用药金额逐年增加,芬太尼的用量居各年度首位,吗啡制剂用量逐渐减少,哌替啶注射液用量逐渐减少。