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2024-01-25 03:36:17
美[mɔːfoʊˌdʒen]  英[mɒfədʒɪn]
n.  [生]成形素


  1. The chapters cover a wide spectrum of related interests, from the molecular bases of morphogen function, to human genetics to cancer research. 本章盖住宽范围有关使感兴趣,从分子基础的成形基因功能那里,令人类遗传学兑一癌症研究的是。
  2. Previous work from our laboratory reported that aggressive melanoma and breast carcinoma express the embryonic morphogen Nodal, which is essential for human embryonic stem cell (hESC) pluripotency. 然而,癌症相关的环境缺乏合适的调控机制来维持一个正常的细胞表型。