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2024-01-25 03:39:16
美[ˌmɔːfəlɒdʒɪk]  英[ˌmɔːfəlɒdʒɪk]
adj.  形态学的


  1. relating to or concerned with the morphology of plants and animals;

    "morphological differences"

  2. relating to or concerned with the formation of admissible words in a language
  3. pertaining to geological structure;

    "geomorphological features of the Black Hills" "morphological features of granite" "structural effects of folding and faulting of the earths surface"


  1. Heart Morphologic State in Retired Fighter Pilots. 退役战斗机飞行员老年期心脏形态学现状分析。
  2. To master the concept and morphologic characteristics of apoptosis. 掌握凋亡的概念与形态特征。
  3. On morphologic grounds, I favor a diagnosis of FDC sarcoma. 根据形态改变;我考虑可能为滤泡树突I状细胞肉瘤.
  4. SCr,BUN,the pathological morpholog manifestation of rat renal in... 结论益肾活血清利方对肾间质纤维化具有良好的防治作用。
  5. Unending subclassifications of tumors and morphologic grading have generally proved to be a sterile pathologic exercise. 对肿瘤进行无止境的分类和形态学分级证明都是一种毫无效果的病理学活动。
  6. Objective: To examine morphologic changes in the somatosensory cortex (SSC) of patients with migraine. 目的:观察偏头痛患者躯体感觉皮层(SSC)形态学的改变。